GR Yaris Attempted theft of my GR 03/08/23

I was hoping not being a German car or Range Rover these sort of posts would be few and far between for the GRY.

I will still hope.

I think it still is. In coming up to 3 years I’ve read about 3 thefts (not all I’m sure will be mentioned but it’s pretty low). Of those 3 thefts 1 was 100% opportunistic as it was a raid on an audio shop that just happened to have a customers car in the unit.
Sorry to hear that's happened, I need to start using my stoplock more often, got into the bad habit of assuming it'll be fine, till it isn't,

Keys live in a Faraday box upstairs to at least hinder relay theft, but not much use if they break in, shame we even have to do any of this at all really.
Sorry to read this. These creature's just have no shame,
Nice to hear your neighbours at least raised the alarm and didn't just ignore it.
Must admit I have been looking at security posts and also the intellipost security post as it's app controlled.
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Yea, I know what you mean, but saves the hassle of losing keys. My drive and garage are out of sight from the main road so hopefully never happen, fingers crossed

The scumbags won't know that, so will still break in.
I've just got a picture of my Ex wife on the gate. That seem to have worked so far
If they are brave enough to get passed the gate, I've got a picture of my Ex mother in law on the door. If that don't scare them, they are welcome to my car