GR86 UK Boot Mat

Last they said was July so not checked for a while.

Part number if you want to check with your local dealer:

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I checked last week, was told it wasn't available. As I was talking with the sales guy by email, I didn't discover anything else.
Even a part number would be helpful. Albeit with a GR86 logo, the item PT919-18226-50 mentioned above is a textile/carpet boot mat. I prefer some firm rubber in the rear (no giggling at the back ) 🤭


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I shall put an order in for one at my dealership - it might arrive around the same time as my car :sneaky:
It’s a usdm part, he won’t be able to order you one unfortunately.
We don’t have one available, best you can do is the waterproof, non slip Japanese fabric one at a big mark up.