GR86 TRD Splitter and Ducktail spoiler

As likely you know the bolt carriers on the spoiler are fixed via 3M tape. So bolting the spoiler in achieves nothing due to the 3M tape being the only thing that holds the carriers.
Incorrect. Only the outboard ones are stuck with tape to counteract warping in the heat. The inboard ones are fixed to the plastic. They would be pointless putting them on otherwise.

Again, Toyota don’t need a lawsuit on their hands. They design these parts to conform to stringent safety tests.
If people have no technical knowledge of 3M VHB tape then best not guess what is capable of and it’s design limits.

Red arrows tape. Blue arrows moulded.
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I drilled mine as per instructions. It was fine when it first did it but I'm not confident the stick will stay as when I did it, it was Winter when we all got them. Did heat the area up but wasn't ideal conditions.