It's my own fault. I could have been you. I just dithered for far too long, especially the month before I finally placed the order when I got serious in my own head
Am I too old now for one of these? Have I missed the moment? Should I have bought an Impreza P1 all those years ago when I could just about afford one? (Yes!) Will I regret it? Do I regret the P1 decision? (yes!) Will I enjoy one? Is it too much money for a small car? Should I buy something more comfortable? Am I ready to be parted from the BRZ? Will someone steal it? Will loads get crashed and make the insurance unaffordable? Go on do it...... But wait what about all the above? Go on do it? But..... Go on the deposit is refundable if you order online..... But.... Get on with it you wuss..... But..... You'll regret it if you don't. On and on, round and round in my head. Nooooooo! Make it stop!
Eventually I gave in just to stop the voices in my head. It worked. I just wish I'd given in sooner