2025 will be the forums 4th Japfest event and we hope members old and new will be in attendance.
To purchase your
Display Your Car ticket visit:
Select the 'I am part of a club' link
Register or login (most likely you'll need to re-register)
Press the Book Here button
Complete name & address details and select
Yes to the
Are you booking as part of a club? section and use the club password
JFS25-175 which is specific to GR-Zoo. All cars on the stand
must be a Toyota.
Once booked please update this thread to confirm you have purchased a ticket and will be joining the GR Zoo stand, so we understand total numbers attending
Note display tickets sold out incredibly quickly for Japfest 2024, so if you plan on going, please buy your ticket now before they are gone.
The forum have no influence regarding ticket prices or booking fees charged by Kelsey Media, we just help to bring GR drivers together at large events such as Japfest.
Finally, thanks to all who attend and help with the organisation of the stand on the day.
@Lauren here. The day before Japfest is a social event in itself and for years now we've all stayed at the Hilton Doubletree Milton Keynes at the MK Dons Stadium the night before. We normally get down mid afternoon and meet in the bar for a social and then eat together. It's a great place to catch up and do some serious car talk. Here's the details:
Display Car Attendees
- @MarkinStoke GR Supra
- @byebyeMX5 GR86
- @Grblue86 GR86
- @sim86 GR86
- @Anchor93 GR86
- @juggler2 GR Supra
- @juggler2 GR86
- @Lauren GR86
- @Yanto GR86
- @Dan_D GR Yaris
- @CB2007 GR Yaris
- @tonigmr2 GR Yaris
- @Omen GR Yaris
- @Wayne Oultram GR Supra
- @chopper602 GR86
- @Faith GR Supra
- @MrJ GR Yaris
- @TJCorsa GR Supra
- @KevinA GR Yaris
- @RumbleandSway GR86
- @Supramanuk GR Supra
- @Jue GR Supra
- @Lozs_Yota GR Supra
- @Keyser Soze GR Yaris
- @sim61 GR86
- @911sse GR86
- @GR.KEV GR Yaris
- @Frostie GR Yaris
- @neilj GR Yaris
- @LSToyGR GR Yaris
- @chloe_gryaris GR Yaris
- @Phil0694 GR Yaris
- @AWB GR86
- @ntrsakamafia GR Supra
- @saleem GR Supra
- @Snas GR Yaris
- @141N GR86
- @Sticky GR Yaris
- @Croft210 GR Supra
- @gryarisrachel GR Yaris
- @SimonB GR Yaris
- @Adam69 GR Yaris