Just had an interaction that proves there are indeed still good honest people around.
To set the scene, my car is currently parked facing up quite a steep hill outside my house. Steep as in you’ll need all of first gear to get to the top.
Came walking back from picking up some bits to find a group of people I recognise as living on the street milling about my front gate. Then the dreaded question:
“Is that grey car yours?”
Immediately I go to “oh god, what’s happened”. Turns out someone was trying to park facing up the hill and had gotten a bit too close (I mean, about 5mm) from my front bumper whilst trying to park. “It looks like a nice car and I didn’t want to damage it”. Instead of rolling into it and hoping for the best, they’d made the effort to find out who’s car it was and asked me to roll mine back so that they are further away from it ready for when they pull off.
Moved my car back about 6 feet, relaid my gratitude to the (now crying) lady driving the car in front of mine and assured her it was fine and she’d done the decent thing of finding out who’s it was.
Just a bit of an uplifting story compared to a lot of my other posts in this thread, not everyone is bad and some people do actually care.
Have a good bank holiday weekend everyone.